+91 89515 34303 | ashwiniayurvedagirinagar@gmail.com

Special Therapies For Patients

The focus is on providing curative therapies for the treatment of medical ailments. The treatments are prescription based and are initiated after consultation with the Ayurvedic consultant.


Massage that's done with warm oil on the entire body, from the scalp to the soles of your feet. "It reduces the ageing process, fatigue and vata dosha. It gives a good sleep, vision and tones up the muscles of the body. Promotes longevity".

Shiro Abhyanga

Shiro Abhyanga essentially means a complete massage of the head, neck, and shoulders using Ayurvedic herbal oils."Helpful in reducing hairfall, premature greying and it's destressing".

Paada Abhyanga

Foot massage which is soothing, revitalizing, calming and balancing various disturbances of the autonomic nervous system.


It's a classical and well established ayurvedic therapy of slowly and steadily dripping medicated oil or other liquids on the forehead. "Very useful in reducing anxiety and stress levels, reduces hairfall and enhances hair growth".

Greeva Basti

Soothing neck therapy where herbal oils are retained on the neck to relieve occasional pain & inflammation. It is highly useful in treating Cervical spondylitis and Cervical spondylosis.

Janu Basti

'Janu' means knee and 'Basti' means to retain. Janu Basti addresses the pain, stiffness, and discomfort of the knee. Very effective in treating the Osteo arthritis of knee joints.

Kati Basti

Musculoskeletal treatment for disorders that involve muscle, ligaments, bones, vertebrae and nerves of the lumbar region. Very much useful in treating the conditions like Lumbar Spondylitis, Lumbar Spondylosis and Sciatica.

Kasheruka Basti

Process of curing those small bones which form our backbone. Highly effective in the pain management of the vertebral and spine related issues. Very much effective in treating the conditions like Kyphoscoliosis.

Shiro Basti

Warm medicated oil is made to retain on the head. It's nurturing for the head, neck and sense organs. Its effective in destressing and gives relaxation.

Prushta Basti

Warm medicated oil is made to retain on the back region followed with a mild massage and herbal steam. Useful in treating the conditions like Spondylitis and Spondylosis.

Uro Basti

Ayurvedic treatment where the medicated oil is poured over the heart region. It is useful in the treatment of Cardiac diseases.

Mathra Basti

A specified quantity of medicated oil is passed into the intestines through the anorectal route and made to retain for sometime. Beneficial in treating anorectal disorders and conditions like emaciation, exhaustion etc.


Vamana is a procedure in which doshas (waste products or toxins) in the upper part of the body are eliminated through emesis. Helpful in treating conditions like PCOS, Respiratory diseases, Loss of appetite etc. Mainly treats the kaphaja diseases.


Medicated purgation therapy, which cleanses the Pitta and purifies blood, by clearing the toxins from the lower part of the body. Useful in treating the conditions like Wheezing, Skin Diseases, Obesity, Gastritis etc.


Ayurvedic therapy that includes instillation of herbal oils, juices or powders through the nasal route. Useful in treating the conditions likes Sinusitis, Nasal polyps, Migraine Headache, Hairfall etc.


Procedure wherein the medicated oil/kashayam/fluid which is given through the anal route. Basthi is regarded as Ardha chikitsa in Ayurveda that is it is considered as half of the treatment. Basthi is useful in treating a wide range of ailments.


Is the blood cleansing and purification therapy. It is useful in treating conditions like Cellulitis, Deep vein thrombosis, Varicose veins etc.

Jaluka Chikitsa

Jaluka Chikitsa is the method of removing impure blood. Jaluka is also known as Leech therapy. It is the method of taking out the impure blood using leeches. It is useful in treating conditions like Cellulitis, Deep vein thrombosis, Varicose veins etc.


Agnikarma (Therapeutic heat burn) is a non pharmacological, parasurgical is the one which gives instant relief from pain by balancing vata and other doshas without any untoward effects.

Kshara Sutra

Minimal invasive Parasurgical procedure, Kshara Sutra or It is highly effective in treating the Anorectal disorders with very lowest rates of non-recurrence.

Kshara Lepa

Kshara is caustic, alkaline powder obtained from the ashes of medicinal plants. Kshara is so efficient, that it can be used as a substitute to surgical instruments.

Valuka Sweda

Being a dry form of fomentation helps to liquify and clear the stagnant morbid factors and cure pain, swelling and stiffness.

Patrapinda Sweda

Patra Pinda Sweda is an unparalleled treatment in Vata morbidity or any disease or painful conditions caused by morbid Vayu.


Steam treatment explained in Ayurveda. Sweda is derived from Sanskrit word swid, meaning 'to sweat or to perspire'.

Explore Ashwini Ayurveda

Ashwini Ayurveda assumes its importance with its focus being on prevention, cure & wellness. Thus, Ashwini Ayurveda is dedicated to "Rejuvenate, Preserve the Health of the Healthy and Alleviate the Diseases of the Sick".

Our Specialities

Allergy & Sinusitis
Arthritis & Joint Problems
Headache & Migraine
Hairfall & Dandruff
Skin Disorders
Anxiety & Stress Management
Slip Disc, Sciatica & Spondylitis
Body Weight management
Total Body Detoxification
Antenatal & Postnatal Care
Ayurvedic Preconceptional
Gynaec Disorders
Diabetes & Hypertension
Anorectal Disorders

Our therapies

Abhyanga Therapy
Shiro Abhyanga Therapy
Paada Abhyanga Therapy
Shirodhara Therapy
Greeva Basti Therapy
Janu Basti Therapy
Kati Basti Therapy
Kasheruka Basti Therapy
Shiro Basti Therapy
Prushta Basti Therapy
Uro Basti Therapy
Mathra Basti Therapy
Vamana Therapy
Virechana Therapy
Nasya Therapy
Basti Therapy
Raktamokshana Therapy
Jaluka Chikitsa Therapy
Agnikarma Therapy
Kshara Sutra Therapy
Kshara Lepa Therapy
Valuka Sweda Therapy
Patrapinda Sweda Therapy
Swedana Therapy
Picchu Therapy
Tarpana Therapy

Swarna Bindu Prashana

Swarna Bindu Prashana is an ancient Ayurvedic technique to enhance the well being of a child. It is a method in which gold calx (Swarna Bhasma) in very minute quantities mixed with honey is administered to children.

Benefits of Swarna Bindu Prashana:
1. Enhances Intellect.
2. Enhances Digestive & Metabolic Power.
3. Improves Skin Complexion.
4. Boosts Immunity.
5. Enhances Physical Strength.

Administered On Every Pushya Nakshatra Day.
Age Group: 0 to 16 Years

What Our Patients Are Saying

Read the healing stories below to know what our patients have to say about their experiences at Ashwini Ayurveda

Dr. Niveditha Shree K.N is the best doctor,she treats very friendly and taken care like a family member. Makes them understand the underlying health problems and suggests best treatment option to them. I suffered acidity around 2 yeras and I happend to take treatment for acidity from this doctor ,and I achived my health by completing my panchakarma tratement. If you are looking for the best quality medical service do visit to this clinic & I promis that she will help in achiving your healthy life. Thank you mam

Shrinidhi Karkala

Happy Client

Hello everyone,I was suffering from PCOS from several years,undergone panchakarma in Ashwini Ayurveda last month,after undergoing the treatment body is so light and refreshed,Niveditha mam is so friendly and she will never make you feel like you are patient,In my each and every session I never felt like I was sitting infront of a doctor, She treats like a friend and during my vamana she cared me just like my mom does,Thank you so much mam,Lakshmi my therapist was also so friendly,got best relaxation after abyanga session done by her,overall it was very good experience I highly recommend you to visit here for any kind of health issues with 100% positive results,Thank you.

Geetha R Gowda

Happy Client

Wonderful clinic at a great location. Clean, calm and peaceful premises. Dr. Niveditha is highly knowledgeable, friendly, humble and kind to listen to our problems. She suggests the best medication. I feel it is a genuine and best place for Ayurveda treatment for general health as well as for remedies and cure. One can expect very professional approach in treatment with friendly attitude and care from everyone there. I am very satisfied with what I received from doctor. Overall, I highly recommend this doctor for all kind of treatments.

Yathindra Dharmendra

Happy Client