+91 89515 34303 | ashwiniayurvedagirinagar@gmail.com

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Clinic Address

No. 896, 1st C Main Road, 2nd Phase Girinagar, Bengaluru - 560085.

Online Support

info@ashwiniayur.com ashwiniayurvedagirinagar@gmail.com

For Appointments & Enquiries

Let's Talk Today!

Explore Ashwini Ayurveda

Ashwini Ayurveda assumes its importance with its focus being on prevention, cure & wellness. Thus, Ashwini Ayurveda is dedicated to "Rejuvenate, Preserve the Health of the Healthy and Alleviate the Diseases of the Sick".

Our Specialities

Allergy & Sinusitis
Arthritis & Joint Problems
Headache & Migraine
Hairfall & Dandruff
Skin Disorders
Anxiety & Stress Management
Slip Disc, Sciatica & Spondylitis
Body Weight management
Total Body Detoxification
Antenatal & Postnatal Care
Ayurvedic Preconceptional
Gynaec Disorders
Diabetes & Hypertension
Anorectal Disorders

Our therapies

Abhyanga Therapy
Shiro Abhyanga Therapy
Paada Abhyanga Therapy
Shirodhara Therapy
Greeva Basti Therapy
Janu Basti Therapy
Kati Basti Therapy
Kasheruka Basti Therapy
Shiro Basti Therapy
Prushta Basti Therapy
Uro Basti Therapy
Mathra Basti Therapy
Vamana Therapy
Virechana Therapy
Nasya Therapy
Basti Therapy
Raktamokshana Therapy
Jaluka Chikitsa Therapy
Agnikarma Therapy
Kshara Sutra Therapy
Kshara Lepa Therapy
Valuka Sweda Therapy
Patrapinda Sweda Therapy
Swedana Therapy
Picchu Therapy
Tarpana Therapy

Swarna Bindu Prashana

Swarna Bindu Prashana is an ancient Ayurvedic technique to enhance the well being of a child. It is a method in which gold calx (Swarna Bhasma) in very minute quantities mixed with honey is administered to children.

Benefits of Swarna Bindu Prashana:
1. Enhances Intellect.
2. Enhances Digestive & Metabolic Power.
3. Improves Skin Complexion.
4. Boosts Immunity.
5. Enhances Physical Strength.

Administered On Every Pushya Nakshatra Day.
Age Group: 0 to 16 Years